Veronika studied at the faculty of linguistics and international departments of the Baltic State Technical University named after D.F. Ustinov. Then pursued her studying at the Department of the Problems of Convergence in Natural Sciences and Humanities of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences (Smolny College). She finished school of musical management and has a diploma of additional course «Methodology for analysis of audio-visual arts» of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences (Smolny College). She is fluent in English.
Since 2009 to 2010 she has worked as a manager at «Fort-Ross» marketing company, since 2010 to 2013 worked as an administrator at «Onegin» art gallery. Since 2013 she has been holding position of a project manager at «NEVA-ART» company, from 2016 – position of technical director. Is in technical providing the international tour projects (performances, gala concerts, exhibitions, press conferences, round tables) in Russia and abroad.